The purpose of a mandatory association is to maintain the best possible property values for all homes within a subdivision.
Membership in the Association: Any person who owns a lot within the Subdivision that is subject to these restrictions shall automatically be a member of the Association, provided, however, that where any lot is owned by more than one (1) person, one (1) of the owners shall be designed to cast the vote on matters to come before the Association on behalf of all of the owners of the lot. In the event of the owner of a lot is a corporation or partnership, a partner or corporate officer shall be designated to cast the vote on behalf of the partnership. The Pebble Brooke HOA governing documents are referenced below:
Covenant & Bylaws
The Covenants, Conditions & Restrictions (CC&Rs) cover the rights and obligations of the Pebble Brooke Homeowners Association to its members and vice versa. List below are some of the topic included:
Assessment Obligations
Property-use Restrictions
Clearly defined maintenance obligations for the HOA and individual members
Mechanisms for Rule Enforcement and Dispute Resolution
Lender Protection Provisions
Amendment Procedures
Insurance obligations
Rules & Regulations
These rules and regulations are promulgated to inform homeowners, residents, and guest of the requirements of the Association. These rules and regulations have been officially adopted by the Board of Directors and in no way limit the application of requirements of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restriction and Easements of Pebble Brooke. Please see excerpt for each rule below:
1. Fines may be assessed against any homeowner or resident who violates any of these Pebble Brooke Homeowners Associaton Rules and Regulations. The warning/fine process is:
a. First violation- warning letter
b. Second Violation- $25 fine
c. Third Violation - $100 fine and $100 per day up to $1000.
Homeowners will be responsible for the payment of any fines levied due to the violation of rules by any tenant (resident) or guest of the unit.
2. All homes shall be used and occupied solely by homeowners and exclusively for single-family residential purposes.
3. No alterations to the exterior of the home (including, but not limited to: erection of any shadowbox fences, erection of placement of sheds, change in the exterior color of the home in any way, removal of trees, satellite dishes or placement of any recreational equipment, i.e. pools, etc) within view of the main road may be made without prior written approval of the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) of Pebble Brooke Homeowners Association.
4. To obtain approval from the ACC for any alternations to the exterior of the home, a detailed written plan with necessary illustrations, blueprints/drawings, and measurements, must be submitted to the management company. The plans will then be presented to the ACC. The committee has thirty (30) days by which to approve, deny, or provide follow-up feedback to the homeowner.
5. Each homeowner is responsible for the upkeep of all property lines, including easements and areas that might be outside of the homeowner’s constructed fence. Failure to maintain such areas are subject to corrective action by the Board of Directors of the Association including fines (see fine process above) and the contracting of necessary to be done at the owner’s expense in accordance with the restrictive covenants, bylaws, and these Rules and Regulations.
6. There shall be no on-street parking including but not limited to, boats, motor homes, automobiles, etc. Any vehicle illegally parked on the side of the roadway is subject to towing. Additional parking is provided at the front of the subdivision:
a. First violation- warning letter
b. Second Violation- $25 fine
c. Third Violation - $100 fine and $100 per day up to $1000 (vehicle towed).
7. All vehicles must be parked on a paved surface in the driveway or an added pad. Any enlargement of current parking space must be approved by the ACC prior to commencement (see fine process above).
* For rules #8-#23 please refer to the Rules and Regulation document provided by the Association below:
Use Restrictions
The Subdivision shall be occupied and the lots within the Subdivision shall be used only as follows:
1. Each lot shall be used as a Residence for a single family and for no other purpose.
2. No lot Within the Subdivision shall be further subdivided.
3. No mobile homes shall be allowed on any lot in the Subdivision.
4. No building on any lot shall be located on the site nearer to the front property line, rear property line, interior property line or nearer to the side street line than the minimum building set back lines specified on the recorded plat of the Subdivision. No Driveway shall be located nearer than one (1) foot to the interior property line.
5. No dwelling shall be constructed that contains less than 900 square feet of living area, exclusive of porches and garages.
6. No trailer, travel trailer, motor home, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be at any time used as a residence, temporarily or permanently, nor shall any structure of a temporary character be located on any building site at any time. Boats, trailers, campers or other recreational vehicles shall be parked or stored within the garage or placed behind the residence and shall not be visible from the street which runs in front of the lot.
7. No mailbox, paper box or other receptacle of any kind for use in the delivery or mail, newspapers, magazines or similar materials shall be erected or located on any lot unless and until the size, location, design and type of material for said boxes or receptacle shall have been approved in writing by the Committee.
8. No business, trade or commercial activity shall be conducted on any building site.
9. No sign of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any lot except one (1) sign of not more than five (5) square feet advertising the property for sale.
10. No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred or kept on any lot, except that dogs, cats or other household pets may be kept, provided that they are not kept, bred or maintained for any commercial purpose. Any animal creating a nuisance or annoyance in the neighborhood shall constitute a nuisance and shall result in the Association taking whatever action is appropriate to remove such nuisance.
11. No noxious or offensive activity shall be carried on upon any building site, nor shall anything be done thereon which may be or may become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood or tend to damage or destroy either private or public property.
12. There shall be no on-street parking whatsoever of any vehicles including but not limited to, boats, motor homes, automobiles or trailers.
13. All personal property kept on a lot shall be either kept and maintained in a proper storage facility or shall be stored at the rear of the home. However, nowhere on the property shall this provision be construed to permit junk cars, old appliances or the like from being kept anywhere on the property, including in the front, on the side or to the rear of the property. Any personal property, if it is to be stored on the lot, is to be stored in a completely enclosed structure approved by the Committee. Among other remedies and after thirty (30) days’ notice to owner, the Association may come upon the lot to remove property being stored in violation of this provision, all at the expense of the owner, which shall constitute a lien against said property. An automobile or other vehicle shall be considered a “junk car” under this provision if it is immobile for the period of thirty (30) days or longer or does not have a current license tag.